
Who am I ?

Dynamics – Relational – Passionate – Involved

Since chilhood I dream about journeys, faraway destinations, escapes,
Photo Profilnew encounters, planes, hotels …

Two great persons have made me WHO and WHAT I am today.

One of them was my neighbor, a long haul cabine supervisor for Air France.

Thanks to his affection and consideration, and the travel stories about asia, south america, paradise islands, he was constantly feeding my dream.

So I discovered the world virtually and asserted my appetite for the interpersonal skills, the negotiation and sales.

The other was my college mentor and is, still  today, my ‘Yoda’.
The confidence, compassion and patience he showed, were my daily support.
He was my first Tourism professional encounter and became my soul father and coach.

So I concretized my profound desire of journeys and acquired the professional and human techniques to develop the market shares of the employers I trust in.

The combination of my professionnal experiences and my expectations in life naturally lead me to a new orientation where the only focus are Worldwide products in which I believe.

In order to create and maintain a Win/Win relationship, I am exclusively targetting partners in which I identify myself and for which I will serve their own interests.


See the brochure of B&L Representation

See the brochure of B&L Representation

The Win/Win partnership

  • Mutual choice and respect between the customers and B&L REPRESENTATION
  • perfect knowledge and confidence of Producers and Distributors
  • Passion of hotels and resorts
  • Mastery of proposals
  • Mutual vision and interests

If you share B&L REPRESENTATION philosophy,
when do we start ?